Eng_the singing

Eng_the singing

Professional singing training

Qualifying course aimed at debut


Consolidated vocal technique



  • study the Italian language and culture in the morning for the duration of my stay at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.
  • phonetics (specific techniques)
  • language exercises (arias and librettos)


  • singing technique
  • masterclass with preferably Italian artists of international fame
    scenic art
  • individual study of roles with internationally renowned coaches
  • preparation of the work in the studio
  • concerts also at important musical institutions
  • organization of guided tours of specific interest in the most representative places of melodramatic culture (costume museum, birthplace of Verdi, Puccini ..)
  • issue of an academic accreditation with international value (university partnerships)
  • execution of the selected Opera at the Morlacchi Theater.
  • Students will also be able to perform alongside the big names or support their role as covers within the opera season
  • theater and press agents will be promptly invited to the performances.

The works staged at the end of the training will be proposed to European theaters that are homologous to the Morlacchi Theater: the entire production, conceived and created by the students of all the courses (Costume, Scenography, Make-up), will also be proposed with a view to cultural exchanges between international academies.